IU Health Medical Library

Nursing Research

NINR: National Institute of Nursing Research

Nursing Research Databases  About these Databases

Search Engines

  • Mednar.com: This search engine will search medically-focused authoritative public and deep web resource

  • Netting the Evidence (Scharr): This search engines searches over one hundred web sites (107) associated with the METHODOLOGY of evidence based practice.

  • Nursing+: This service is from McMaster University's Health Information Research Unit. It incorporates the McMasterPLUSTM email alerting system and searchable database of best evidence from the health care literature of particular interest to nursing professionals. Free registration is required to use this service. Subscribers can choose to receive e-mail alerts matched to their areas of clinical interest.

  • PUBPDF: This search engine will help you find full text articles from millions of scientific publications.

  • QuEST (Scharr): This search engines searches Qualitative Evidence Synthesis Texts

  • Show Me The Money (Scharr): This search engines searches 16 top health economics websites

  • SUMSearch 2: This search engine simultaneously searches for original studies, systematic reviews, and practice guidelines from PubMed, National Guideline Clearinghouse, and DARE; merged into one list sorted by year of publication.

  • Trip Database New - This clinical search engine is designed to quickly and easily find high-quality research evidence to support practice and/or care. Content not only includes research evidence but also patient information leaflets, educational courses and news all available via one search. A PICO search capability is also available.

